Awe-inspiring Projects

They challenged us to push our own creative limits and asked us to see the world in a remarkably different way. As we start off the new year, may these people inspire you to pick up that project you’ve been meaning to get to or start taking those lessons you’ve been putting off.

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Out of all of the projects we’ve posted on this year, there are ten that stood out for the creators’ originality and their ability to inspire us to no end. These made us stand back in awe, almost in disbelief that someone could not only think of such a creative idea but execute on it so flawlessly.

While in some cases it was a collaborative effort involving many people, in still others only one person was involved, who dedicated countless hours to completing his or her seemingly insurmountable task.

They challenged us to push our own creative limits and asked us to see the world in a remarkably different way. As we start off the new year, may these people inspire you to pick up that project you’ve been meaning to get to or start taking those lessons you’ve been putting off. Here’s to making 2012 your personal best year ever. (Source:

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